LinkedIn report: Emerging jobs in Singapore

Insights to help you hire, upskill and reskill your workforce
Fadzil Aripin
Singapore Emerging
Jobs Report
The fastest growing jobs
in the country
Download report
Hi Fadzil,
New jobs are emerging more rapidly than any other time in history, with traditional jobs mutating and evolving into new hybrids.
For HR and talent acquisition professionals, this poses significant challenges.
  • How do you hire for jobs that did not exist five years ago?
  • How can you predict where the gaps in your workforce will be?
  • How do you upskill and reskill your existing workforce to rise to the challenge?
In LinkedIn's latest emerging jobs report, we look at the fastest growing jobs in Singapore.
Find out how you can prepare for jobs of the future, predict the skills gap in your workforce and upskill your existing talent in this evolving landscape.
Download report
Sofia Balmaceda
Kind regards,
Sofia Balmaceda
Marketing Manager, Southeast Asia
LinkedIn Talent Solutions
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